Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Toronto firefighter’s mayday from burning building

Jan. 13, 2012, Toronto – Monday's fire at a Toronto storage unit was deemed too dangerous for an interior fire fight in the morning, but by afternoon, it seemed OK to go back in. But when Captain Kevin Aucoin bent down to move some smoky debris, he realized all too quickly that it wasn't when the concrete floor crumbled beneath him. The Toronto Star reports.

January 13, 2012 
By The Toronto Star

Jan. 13, 2012, Toronto – Monday's fire at a Toronto storage unit was
deemed too dangerous for an interior fire fight in the morning, but by
afternoon, it seemed OK to go back in. But when Captain Kevin Aucoin
bent down to move some smoky debris, he realized all too quickly that it
wasn't when the concrete floor crumbled beneath him. The Toronto Star
reports. | READ MORE

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