Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Toronto firefighters added to memorial: New legislation allows addition of 24 fallen personnel

New legislation allows addition of 24 fallen personnel

December 11, 2007 
By John Riddell

29On Sunday, June 3, more than 150 firefighters and families of past members of the Toronto Fire Services turned out for a dedication ceremony that included the traditional ringing of the bell for the fallen, reading of the names of the honoured and placement of memorial wreaths by municipal and provincial dignitaries.

The Toronto Firefighters War Veterans colour guard stand on display during the memorial.

The names of 24 firefighters were added to the fallen firefighter memorial after legislation was passed in Ontario acknowledging eight types of cancers as work-related illnesses.

The changes to the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act make it easier for firefighters to qualify for compensation for work-related cancers and heart attacks. The presumptive legislation also considers heart attacks suffered up to 24 hours after fighting a fire to be work related.

The June addition of names brings the total of lost firefighters to 179 since 1848. Names added to the memorial are:

•    Firefighter Kenneth R. Best, Oct. 29, 1989
•    Platoon Chief Thomas Humphrey, Nov. 5, 2001
•    Capt. Carl Quinn, Jan. 14, 1999
•    District Chief James Warren, Aug. 11, 1998
•    Capt. Kevin Conlon, June 6, 2005
•    Capt. Joseph Moss, Nov. 12, 2005
•    Capt. Albert Solmon, May 1, 1997
•    Capt. Harold Beaton, July 1, 1992
•    Capt. Patrick Dineen, May 18, 2006
•    Capt. Lorne Hartley, Nov. 2, 1991
•    Capt. Steve Cudnik, Nov. 15, 1994
•    Capt. Ian Gatehouse, April 11, 2004
•    Firefighter Mike French, Jan. 10, 1990
•    Firefighter John Bricknell, Feb. 24, 2000
•    Platoon Chief Bernard Leach, June 25, 1986
•    Firefighter George Muir, June 24, 1991
•    Capt. Gord Thatcher, July 31, 1991
•    Acting District Chief Roger Holmes, Aug. 10, 1999
•    Deputy Chief Ross Forfar, Sept. 1, 2005
•    Acting Capt. Jeff Laishes, Feb. 3, 2006
•    Capt. Mel Jones, June 25, 2005
•    District Chief Doran Collins, June 10, 1988
•    Capt. Gary Wilson, March 16, 2007
•    Capt. Ken Burfield, Oct. 15, 1989

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