Waterloo area firefighters to train for rail emergencies
July 24, 2014, Cambridge, Ont. - In the wake of the Lac-Megantic rail disaster, CP Rail has scheduled specialized training for incidents involving crude oil shipped by rail. Five Cambridge and five North Dumfries firefighters have been invited to participate in a three-day training course taking place in Pueblo, Colo., in September. The Waterloo Region Record reports.
July 25, 2014
By The Waterloo Region Record
July 24, 2014, Cambridge, Ont. – In the wake of the Lac-Megantic rail
disaster, CP Rail has scheduled specialized training for incidents
involving crude oil shipped by rail. Five Cambridge and five North
Dumfries firefighters have been invited to participate in a three-day
training course taking place in Pueblo, Colo., in September. The
Waterloo Region Record reports. | READ MORE
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