Fire Fighting in Canada

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Firefighters and students enjoy training day and career expo

Oct. 1, 2013, Toronto – Career and volunteer firefighters from across southwestern Ontario, and potential firefighter recruits, enjoyed a day of free training and expert information on Saturday at our combined Training Day/Career Expo at the Fire and Emergency Services Training Institute (FESTI) at the Toronto Pearson International Airport.

October 1, 2013 
By Olivia D'Orazio

Oct. 1, 2013, Toronto – Career and volunteer firefighters from across southwestern Ontario, and potential firefighter recruits, enjoyed a day of free training and expert information on Saturday at our combined Training Day/Career Expo at the Fire and Emergency Services Training Institute (FESTI) at the Toronto Pearson International Airport.

More than 120 firefighters participated in five training sessions – firefighter survival, auto extrication, command and control, live fire, and aircraft rescue – while 50 prospective firefighter candidates heard what it takes to become a firefighter from hiring fire chiefs, and firefighter and Becoming a Firefighter author Kory Pearn.

Both outside on the training grounds and in the classrooms, Training Day participants were eager to learn as much as they could, expecting to bring new skills and contacts to their home departments. Participants were able to attend the training free of charge, thanks to the generous support from sponsors A.J. Stone, M&L Supply and Fort Garry Fire Trucks.

The firefighter survival course trained participants to avoid and escape from dangerous situations, such as becoming stuck, trapped or entangled. The auto extrication course helped participants to develop their rescue skills in a variety of staged accidents, including multi-vehicle collisions.

Command and control offered firefighters the leadership and incident command training that is often reserved for those in the officer ranks. Live fire served as an introduction – or as a refresher – for firefighters’ structural firefighting skills, while the aircraft rescue course provided firefighters with the skills needed to deal with a major aircraft emergency.

Meanwhile, inside the lecture hall at FESTI, nearly 50 firefighter hopefuls listened to a variety of speakers and learned what it takes to become a firefighter. Fire chiefs at the expo agreed that leadership is the quality they look for the most when hiring new recruits.

Acting Fire Chief Dwayne MacIntosh of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority told recruits, “Whether you’re a chief or the newest firefighter, you need to be a leader.”

He went on to explain that new firefighters should begin to display their leadership skills on their first day on the job.

“We’re looking for leaders,” MacIntosh continued, “for people who are responsible and can be accountable.”

For more information on our Training Day, click here, and for more on our Career Expo, click here.

And be sure to check out our Facebook photo gallery of the event!

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