Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Firefighters, mayor at an impasse over service operations

Dec. 4, 2013, Windsor, Ont. - A battle is brewing between city hall and Windsor firefighters. The two sides can't agree on how to pay for upcoming changes to how the service operates. Mayor Eddie Francis is accusing firefighters of cherry-picking by only agreeing to changes that benefit them, without even considering giving up anything they already have. CTV News reports.

December 4, 2013 
By CTV News

Dec. 4, 2013, Windsor, Ont. – A battle is brewing between city hall and
Windsor firefighters. The two sides can't agree on how to pay for
upcoming changes to how the
service operates. Mayor Eddie Francis is accusing firefighters of
cherry-picking by only agreeing to changes that benefit them, without
even considering giving up anything they already have. CTV News reports. | READ MORE

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