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Investigating the Lac-Megantic disaster

Dec. 5, 2013, Lac-Megantic, Que. – In the five months since a Montreal, Maine & Atlantic cargo train carrying volatile crude oil derailed in Lac-Megantic, Que., killing 47 people and devastating the town, details about a lax regulatory system have been exposed. The Globe and Mail delves deeper into the problems that plague Canada's railways, including the overwhelming increase in the volumes of crude being shipped, the lack of inspectors and the risks to first responders.

December 3, 2013 
By The Globe and Mail

Nov. 28, 2013 – Many of the 47 casualties in Lac-Megantic were inside the popular bar, Musi-Café. Investigative reporters with The Globe and Mail spent several months documenting the tragedy through the eyes of the survivors. | READ MORE

Dec. 2, 2013 – The number of tankers carrying crude oil grew from 8,000 to nearly 400,000 in just a few short years. However, as Globe and Mail investigators point out, no new rules were put in place to manage the increase, leading to the oil-shipping free-for-all that brought disaster to Lac-Megantic. | READ MORE

Dec. 3, 2013 – The train derailment and fire alone were not the sole perpetrators of the extensive devastation in Lac-Megantic. There were warning signs that the crude oil taken from the Bakken region, which straddles North Dakota and parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, was different – so light that it hardly needed refining, and so loaded with gases and other compounds that made it much more corrosive and volatile than regular crude. | READ MORE

Dec. 4, 2013 – Some Canadian railways predate the towns that they divide. As trains continue to use these federally-governed railways, thriving towns build up around the tracks. The result is a powerful railway company that doesn't have to listen to city officials, and a town that is unable to enforce regulations. | READ MORE

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