Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Kitchener trims $480,000 from fire department budget

Jan. 18, 2013, Kitchener, Ont. - After a long debate about risks and safety, councillors voted 8-3 Thursday night to remove $480,000 from the fire department’s budget by not replacing the next four firefighters who retire. The reductions are aimed at the four platoons that staff fire halls and respond to emergencies — fires, traffic collisions and heart attacks. The Kitchener-Waterloo Record reports.

January 18, 2013 
By The Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Jan. 18, 2013, Kitchener, Ont. – After a long debate about risks and safety, councillors voted 8-3 Thursday night to
remove $480,000 from the fire department’s budget by not replacing the
next four firefighters who retire. The reductions are aimed at the four
platoons that staff fire halls and respond to emergencies — fires,
traffic collisions and heart attacks. The Kitchener-Waterloo Record reports. | READ MORE

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