Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Native firefighters lose federal funding

Nov. 10, 2014, Winnipeg - The federal government has pulled funding from the Manitoba Association of Native Firefighters and says it will not renew an agreement with the controversial organization.

November 10, 2014 
By The Canadian Press

The association had been given millions to care for flood and forest fire evacuees but was audited by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada after allegations were made about money being squandered.

Earlier this year, the Red Cross was put in charge of the long-term care of about 2,000 people evacuated from reserves around the province in 2011.

Many have never been able to return to their homes and have been scattered around Winnipeg and other parts of the province while officials try to find new and long-term housing.

A statement was issued Friday by AANDC Minister Valcourt saying that MANFF is in default of its agreement with the federal government.

He says the organization has not proven they can competently deliver the services Manitoba First Nations deserve.

“We are immediately withholding funds from MANFF and have given them notice that the agreement will not be renewed,” said Valcourt.

“Going forward, we continue to strongly encourage the province of Manitoba to negotiate an emergency management agreement with the federal government so that together we can ensure First Nations receive the support they deserve. These services need to be made available equally, as they are in other provinces across Canada.”:

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