Now it’s up to McGunity to stop seniors from burning to death
May 26, 2012, Toronto - As Christie Blatchford writes in today's National Post, once again, ordinary people, the jurors who sat at the Muskoka Heights inquest, have seen through the bafflegab to the truth and done their job. Now it's up to the Ontario government to implement the recommendations and prevent more seniors from dying in retirement home fires.
May 26, 2012
By Christie Blatchford
May 26, 2012, Toronto – As Christie Blatchford writes in today's
National Post, once again, ordinary people, the jurors who sat at the
Muskoka Heights inquest, have seen through the bafflegab to the truth
and done their job. Now it's up to the Ontario government to implement
the recommendations and prevent more seniors from dying in retirement
home fires. READ MORE
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