Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Botched call blamed on Internet phone failure

May 9, 2008, Calgary - An investigation into a botched 911 call that contributed to the death of an 18-month-old Calgary boy has placed the blame on the family's Internet phone provider.

May 9, 2008 
By The Canadian Press

The family of Elijah Luck called 911 through their voice-over-Internet protocol phone service late last month after the toddler started having seizures, but the call never made it to
Calgary's emergency dispatch centre.

Elijah, who was born premature and suffered health problems, later died.

A City of
Calgary investigation has determined the VoIP provider did not transfer the call, nor the caller's request for an ambulance in Calgary.

The investigation has been unable to identify areas within the city's control that could be modified or improved upon to prevent this from reoccurring.

It suggests the public take measures to learn how their telecommunications provider reaches 911 when considering subscribing to an Internet-based phone service.

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