Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Kitchener-Waterloo fire departments heading to arbitration

Oct. 19, 2012, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont. - Contract disputes with two city fire departments in Waterloo Region are heading to arbitration. The Waterloo fire department is going to arbitration over the contentious issue of 24-hour shifts, and the key arbitration issue for the Kitchener fire department is wages. The Kitchener-Waterloo Record reports.

October 19, 2012 
By The Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Oct. 19, 2012, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont. – Contract disputes with two
city fire departments in Waterloo Region are heading to arbitration. The
Waterloo fire department is going to arbitration over the
contentious issue of 24-hour shifts, and the key arbitration issue for
the Kitchener fire department is wages. The Kitchener-Waterloo Record
reports. | READ MORE

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