Fire Fighting in Canada

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Bush’s childhood home torched

Dec. 28, 2007 - ODESSA, Texas _ An arson fire Thursday damaged the Odessa home where President George W. Bush and his parents lived in the late 1940s, authorities said.

December 28, 2007 
By The Associated Press

The home sits behind the Presidential Museum and Leadership Library in Odessa and was rented by former president George Bush and Barbara Bush when they lived there. The house was moved from its original nearby location to the museum's campus in 2004, officials said.Odessa Fire Marshal Detra White said it's not clear how the 3 a.m. fire was set. Museum administrator Lettie England said the damage, mostly to the front-porch area of the green-shingled house, can be repaired.“They didn't burn the house down,'' England said.The single-storey, 74-square-metre house was restored and eight months of work on it was completed in December 2004. The museum's website said the Bushes lived in the home from September 1948 until April 1949.

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