Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Volunteer firefighters want ‘collective voice’

Feb. 20, 2013, Sudbury, Ont. - Ballots cast in Sudbury last week are being reviewed to see if the city's volunteer firefighters can officially form a union. A handful of other Ontario cities do have unionized part-time firefighters and it can lead to increased costs for taxpayers. But part-time firefighters are not in it for the money, according to chief steward for Local 911, which represents 55 firefighters in Belleville. CBC News reports.

February 20, 2013 
By CBC News

Feb. 20, 2013, Sudbury, Ont. – Ballots cast in Sudbury last week
are being reviewed to see if the city's volunteer firefighters can
officially form a union. A handful of other Ontario cities do have
unionized part-time
firefighters and it can lead to increased costs for taxpayers. But
part-time firefighters are not in it for the money, according to chief
steward for Local 911, which represents 55 firefighters in Belleville.
CBC News reports. | READ MORE

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